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We live in an age bedeviled with the plague of quick success syndrome. Most people want whatever they desire to happen now now. Even church people want to turn God to a magician. Dear friend, God is not a magician, He is rather a miracle worker. The rate of depression, suicide and the likes are on a geometric progression because people quickly run out of patience with God and themselves.
 We have so many false prophets today because of impatience. Some of them started out with God but ran out of God's school of faith and patience. They used the currency of impatience to get into the enemy's camp. So many people are managing and enduring marriage today because they decided to drop out of this all important school. They felt God was coming too late. There are certain things God delivers urgently all according to His plan and agenda, however the deep and mega things of the kingdom are delivered in the school of faith and patience. Show me a champion in the kingdom and I will show you a man who was made in the school of faith and patience. Even in the worldly realm champions do not emerge from the blues, they go through a process.
God always takes people through the school of faith and patience before the promise is delivered. He takes them through this school to humble them, prove them to know what is in their heart whether they will keep His commandment or not(See Deut 8:2) Several people took themselves out of this school and they could not access the promise given to them at the beginning.

God has great plans and promises for His people but as they walk with Him, he takes His time to prove them. One of the hall marks of the christian faith is patience. Impatience is a devilish strategy to take people off track into their own destruction. Impatience has led several people into the dungeons of life. The Bible says, "But let faith have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing’’.(James 1:4). The end product of patience is to get you perfect and entire.
On the other hand, ‘’Without faith you cannot please God’’.(Heb 1:6). Faith is the force that first connects you to God, your salvation is a product of faith. It takes faith to walk with God. Faith also talks about your believe in Gods promise and the capacity to hold tenaciously on His word until the right season. Our fathers were all products of this school. Abraham got the promise (Isaac) after graduation. Joseph went through this school before the promise of being prime minister was delivered. Even our Lord Jesus was in the school of faith and patience. He did not emerge from the blues. He went through divine process.

Take note however that the school of faith and patience must not necessarily be too long. Most times they become longer because of disconnection from the promise giver. Just like the conventional school, people repeat classes. Acts of disobedience and iniquity may keep people in the wilderness for a longer period just like the children of Israel that spent 40 years instead of 40 days because of unbelief and acts of disobedience.
If you have not enrolled in this school then you are not preparing for His promise.
You enroll by giving your life to Jesus and walking with Him. The Holy Spirit is the one to lead on this. If you are not saved you are not yet in this school. Give your life to Jesus first and begin to walk with Him daily. God is too faithful to fail. His word is the most reliable currency on earth. His promise for your life will manifest.

''That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises''.(Hebrews 6:12)
''For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry''.(Hab 2:3-4)
Dear friend, God is not a man that He will lie. If He has promised, He will bring it to pass. Keep walking with Him, the vision will not tarry it will come to pass. God bless you.

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