1. They refuse to take their walk with God seriously. Several youths today only engage in religious activities. They know about God but they do not know Him. They have no personal relationship with Him. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom therefore to be disconnected from God is to be open to foolishness. REMEMBER THY CREATOR IN THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH.
3. They are given to fun and pleasure all or most of the time. Foolish youths are given to those things that do not add value to them. They are more interested in play and comedy than reality. Some of them watch and argue football and other things in that order as though their life depends on it even though they are not called to play or become football analysts. The youthful age is time for work and not excessive fun. Jesus said, ‘’I must do the works of He who sent me while its day for the night cometh when no man can work
4. They pursue money or fame at the expense of their walk with God and purpose: So many have sold their soul to the devil and mammon through this thereby leading to their ruin. Jesus said, ‘’Beware of covetousness, for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things he possesses’
5. They rush into relationships thereby having too many heart breaks before marriage. Foolish youths talk about ex guy or ex- girl so much these days as if it is a morally sound thing. These set of people may end up having up to seven ‘exes’ before they finally settle down. A youth is just in 100 level and top most on his agenda is to start an intimate relationship. That is gross foolishness. When relationships begin too soon, it drains and distracts the individuals from the important goal. It also opens them up to sexual temptation and pressure.
6. They are given to pornography, obscene movies and music: This attitude floods their heart with lust, immorality and corruption. And you know what, when a man’s heart is corrupt, his life is also corrupt.
7. Their close friends are corrupt and foolish individuals. The Bible says,’’He that relates with the wise shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed’’.
8. They cohabit (live with someone they are not married to): This is a very foolish thing to do.
9. They engage in sexual immorality which unknown to them is beyond pleasure. Sexual immorality reduces people to loafs of bread. It has produced more foolish people because it robs people of their minds. It lays the foundation for chaotic homes in the future.
10. They despise the instructions and counsel of godly elders. The Bible says, ’’He that is often reproved and hardeneth his heart will suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy’’.
Run to the all wise God. GOD BLESS YOU.
Nice one