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 Small minds measure greatness in terms of wealth, acquisition,popularity and other ephemeral issues.

Permit me to redefine greatness. True greatness is simply becoming what you were wired by God to become. Once you discover the true essence of your existence then you are on the path to greatness. The pursuit of that purpose is what will eventually unleash the potential of greatness embedded in you. God does not create non entities.

All of His creation who genuinely connect to Him are naturally implicated to show forth His glory. Now lets see some features of great people

* They live beyond themselves. In other words they carry a heart for the pains and afflictions of their world and are ready to make sacrifices to meet at least one these needs.

*They are more interested in making impact than in accumulation of wealth.

* They live for posterity and not for the immediate: Great people are trans-generational thinkers. They are more interested in leaving a legacy behind for their generation and successive ones.

*They are visionaries: They pursue the ultimate reason for existence with all passion and vigour until they get to the climax.

*They are never greedy: They are always willing to serve their world with the treasures they are graced with.

* Great people carry great matters at heart: While small people are thinking of buying the next car, they are thinking of making the next generational impact.
God bless you.

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