The cry of Nigerians is long over due. Our nation is the way it is because the true saviours made on mount Zion have been at ease for too long a time. The residents of mount Zion have prayed and groaned for a long time. It is now time to arise and shine for the light is come.
Nigeria's great destiny has been hijacked by leadership ineptitude. The soul of Nigeria is under intense contention by forces beyond the physical. Corruption,nepotism,ethnicity have become imbedded in the fabrics of our being as a nation. Nigeria cannot be redeemed by mere PVC'S neither can it be redeemed by more analysis or political permutations. Too much analysis at the expense of actions have contributed to the paralysis being faced in several sectors of our land.It is time for the salts of the earth to begin to set the tone for national transformation. It is time for the salts to begin to preserve and provide savour to the world.
It is time for the lights of the world to begin to light up the dark corners of the world.
Only saviours made on mount Zion will have the capacity and stamina to withstand the dark forces after the destiny of Nigeria by the anointing upon their lives. Mind you, you need a bull dozer anointing to enter the murky waters of Nigerian politics and other spheres of leadership and not be stained.
Only saviours who have been breathed upon by the Holyghost on Mount Zion will have access to the inspiration,wisdom and strategies that will truly deliver this nation. That was the source of Joseph's uncommon success as a leader in Egypt.
I am not talking about those who only know the songs of Zion. We have produced so many who only know the songs of Zion but are not true disciples and that is why they fell to mammon, corruption and the evil powers beyond the physical.
I am talking about saviours who have internalized the principles of the SAVIOUR (JESUS). All true saviours are submitted to the authority of the SAVIOUR. He is the greatest leader that ever lived. Jesus is the principal figure of mount Zion. He taught us principles such as compassion,love for people, contentment, selflessness, anti-materialism, justice, vision, and the likes and these are solid ingredients for trans-generational leadership. He taught us that a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of possession.
These Saviours I am talking about are not corrupt and will not be corrupted by power.
These Saviours coming from mount Zion must discard this maxim that says, ''A tree cannot make a forest''. Until we raise men who will stand alone to fight legions who want to destroy the nation we cannot get any where. We must raise men who believe that all they need to surmount evil is to carry the presence, the power and the anointing of God. We must raise men who want to practicalise the scripture that says, ''One will chase a thousand and two will put tens of thousand to flight''.
It is time for the saviours to step into politics, religion and other sectors to make the difference.
God bless you.
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