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James Austine
So many people especially singles looking forward to marriage keep wondering why they keep meeting the wrong people. Some ladies seem to have become constant customers of wrong suitors. You hear people say things like,"Why I'm I always being approached by abusive, irresponsible and hypocritical people etc. There are several troubled marriages today because some one met the wrong person. The people you always meet as a single matters. There are certain factors that determine the kind of people you meet. They include:

Your personality: Who you are determines who will seek to be close to you. In the world of magnets it is said that, 'like poles attract while unlike poles repel'. It is also applicable to human beings. You will naturally attract certain people based on your personality. Some individuals only complain because they met an individual with a higher evil but forget to note that it is the seemingly lesser evil in them that connected them to the person with the higher evil.

Your personality is formed form your thought life and then reflected or manifested in your character. The best thing that can happen to you in this regard is to sincerely accept Jesus as the Lord of your life and begin to learn and apply His principles as contained in the Bible. This will lead to the renewal of your mind and the transformation of your personality.

Your value system: It is said that birds of a feather flock together. Your value system many times determines the kind of people that will be available to you. For instance, a lady who is obsessed with money and material things may attract a person who has the money and is willing to spend but may be abusive, disrespectful and unruly. The lady may come out with pains and bitterness without considering that she laid the foundation for her travails.
If you become a true disciple of Jesus and begin to learn of Him, your values will naturally become fulfilling and properly adjusted.


Where you go to: The places you visit, hang out or spend more time will naturally link you with certain personalities. You can't find the right people in the wrong places. Several people meet the wrong people in the wrong places doing ungodly things. If you stay away from the wrong place, the chances of meeting the wrong person will be limited.

Your dress pattern: If you dress like a harlot get ready for abundance of men whose hearts have been overrun by pornography and extreme lust. They will ensure you get the wages of your nude advertisements. 

If your pleasure is to always appear sexy then get ready to meet rapists, sex maniacs and lustful people. Your dressing has the capacity to connect you to the right or wrong people.
Your closest associates: You will always attract more of the kind of person that is closest to you. It doesn't matter how good you think you are, if the closest person to you tends towards the negative it is just a matter of time you will find more of such coming around. As a lady if your closest friend has no problem hanging out with immoral guys get ready some of them will soon become your visitors.
Absence of discernment: God gives us the ability to discern and predict even people we are getting to see for the first time. By discernment you can escape and avoid wrong people. A hypocrite cannot hang around a discerning person for too long before he or she is unveiled. Discernment is important because the wrong person can present him or her self as an angel of light. Mind you, the fact that you met the person in church does not mean the person is in order. You need discernment.

Get genuinely born again, love and pursue righteousness and get filled with the Holy Spirit. Life will be more fulfilling and you will escape the wrong person. God bless you.

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